Nobody knows.
Narcissistic Supply
JoinedPosts by Narcissistic Supply
New Hope and Happiness..
by new hope and happiness infuture existence is non existence.... but our hearts and reason long for future existence...its our reason to exist.... so when we are sold the dream of a " paradise earth" its a dream as real as the sun might shine tomorrow..... its advertising and marketing, its lies that cant be justified but having left the " lie" of a future paradise earth is not the world one big " paradise earth" with its marketing?.
how do we find ourselfs ?.
Wouldn't it just makes sense for GOD to...
by confusedandalone injust one day perform some form of miracle in front of the entire earth in which he proves he exists???.
wouldn't this be the most loving and sensible thing to do?
for instance, this coming thursday god repeatedly strikes mount kilamanjaro to the point that it reads in hebrew, "god exists, i just did this.
Narcissistic Supply
The only thing you can control in this world, ladies and gentlemen, is your own thoughts.....(and attitude)
Napolean Hill (Think and grow rich)
Article: It's Time to Outlaw Extreme Shunning in Modern Society
by AndersonsInfo in
extreme shunningthe gilmer mirror.
its time to outlaw extreme shunning in modern society by: richard e. kelly .
Narcissistic Supply
fiddler, couldn't agree more on the mastermind alliance. Napolean hill talked alot about the mastermind alliance decades ago.
Words are powerful. and i believe that exponentially we take the brain power of others and push it down the road in the right direction....even the almighty jw's can learn stuff.
Actions speak louder than words and these guys got a lot of real estate to launder....
Jehovah's Witnesses actions and behaviours
by jw04 ini was reading one of the magazines about 2 years ago, about what to know about social networking sites, the warnings and cautiousness.
i am not so sure if they don't like the internet, these days almost everyone uses internet.
i know many have accounts online.
Narcissistic Supply
The Watchtower and the JW’s are just a petri dish (a cultural medium) that allows the Narcissist to fully devour and prey on their victims?
That’s all it is. It’s not really watchtower driven. It’s not really jeho witness driven. It’s driven by the hand to mouth narcissist. It’s a grass roots narcissistic movement. And i mean that literally.
The jeho witnesses and the watchtower insulate the narcissist and allows them to prey on their victims and entrap the spirit of the individual. Really mind boggling black magic sort of stuff.
What is the WT's definition of an Apostate...
by Bells ini don't mean the 'unruly men who cook up wicked reasoning and season their brew with poisonous lies that deceive minds' definition.... i mean - who are they actually referring to when they are doing these awful talks at the conventions about the mentally diseased apostates etc.. specifically - is an 'apostate' someone who was actually baptised (baptized for you american's ) ?
or can someone who was simply raised in "the truth" but left and was never baptised be classified as this lying, deceiving, mentally diseased apostate also?
or am i considered to be an apostate - even though i wasn't raised in the cult, never went to a meeting etc.
Narcissistic Supply
anybody they want to black ball.
Narcissistic Supply
Sue me.
"Abstain from blood" reasoning
by Wayward Son inmost of the scriptures pertaining to the use of blood are straight forward.
"do not eat blood.
at acts 15 it uses the words "abstain from...".
Narcissistic Supply
Because the jw book of nonsense was written by some really smart guys???
Fading fast children are starting to ask questions, need help.
by Crazyguy inok i have been fading fast, missed a lot of meetings over the past couple of months and the kids think its mostly do to my being busy with work.
this morning was probably the first sunday that i was home and could go but did not.
so my 8 year old asked me if i was going and why when i said no.
Narcissistic Supply
Be as honest as you can. Be impeccable with your word.
Have some balls. Be Strong.
Has anyone else ever wondered this ?
by scary21 ini know the jw's are wrong but if they were right, this is my question...... when the big a comes, there has to be the best person who dies.
the one who lost out on life by a fraction.
the very best one who still did not make it.
Narcissistic Supply
Do the math dude. 144,000 out of 7 Billion people on the planet.
Means one in 10,000 jw's to get on the crazy train.
That's 2 people in an entire stadium full of 20,000 people.
and i got a bridge to sell you in brooklyn.
watchtower tones down apostate talk at august 3rd convention!
by nowwhat? inno mention of them being mentally diseased or using "lies" to deceive god's people, just that they are out to attract followers for themselves!.
i was cringing at the thought of sitting for 3 1/2 hours for the afternoon session but fortunately my one kid got sick!!
Narcissistic Supply
28 Million dollar lawsuits kind of take the wind out of their sail.